Are You Ready to Let Go of Your Disease?
I assist you in decoding—or translating the message(s) of your dis-ease(s), or illness as a way to discover the language of the body. I will guide you through the maze of hidden messages in your symptoms empowering you to think differently about the “why”. I help you to understand and nourish your thoughts. I help free your mind from unresolved and unprocessed emotions giving you awareness and freedom from the past.
As Dr. Todd Ovokaitys eloquently states, “When the mind doth bend, disease can end.”
Focus on Holistic Healing
It’s all about you. Sometimes we need help a little help. Did you realize from the moment of conception, according to Bruce Lipton, PhD., until we are seven years old, he states we are literally sponges absorbing everything in our environment. Therefore, what is lodged in our subconscious mind runs our lives. There is no “delete key". It’s not our fault. It’s about becoming aware.
Our habits, our imprinting, our beliefs, our traumas and our conflicts drive our actions unbeknownst to us. The good news is, it possible to reset belief and heal those traumas and create a healthy life. I address your healing which encompasses your mind, your body and your spiritual selves. The whole you! It begins with intention. We look at what gets in the way and, more importantly, what do we want? Are you ready to discard the old disharmony and bring in your new state of harmony and balance? Are you ready to rewrite your story?

Theories & Philosophies
Twenty-five hundred years ago, even Hippocrates, Greek physician who is considered the “father” of modern medicine, defined health as coming into harmony and balance with the natural world. According to ancient sources, co-mingling the workings of the divine into all human affairs—our lives.
Conversely, sickness or dis-ease, he wrote was a dis-harmony or imbalance. The way back to health was to understand the natural laws and to be inharmony with all that surrounds us.
Even within the study of dis-ease, science has long acknowledged the powerful link between our emotions and physical health. Emotional experiences, for example, that we experience in childhood can trigger physiological responses and set off physical illness. Stress is certainly one factor. So are things like betrayal, injustice, abandonment or rejection. Then something comes along, such as the feelings of anger or humiliation, that triggers that same emotional vibration frequency and the pattern then has the ability to bring in a physical disease. There is a mind-body connection. Everyday this connection between our mind and body continues to build more evidence. This mind-body philosophy is resonating with more and more of us. Nineteen-Century Philosopher Arthur Shopenauer put it like this: “Every truth passes through three stages before it is accepted. First it is ridiculed, next it is opposed; Third it is regarded as self-evident."
Regain Harmony
We all have emotional stressors in our life. Stress has been acknowledged even by the CDC in upwards of 85% of all illness and dis-ease. So the state of harmony in our lives—or lack of harmony—lack of peace of mind and tranquility must be recognized and regained. Regaining this harmony is an important piece of our well-being. What if all disease and illness are an invitation for us to know ourselves in a different way?
Could this condition I face be a nudge by my spiritual part trying to get the attention of my emotional body—which I have ignored far too long— helping me to heal my physical body? Mind, body & spirit must be thought of as a single package which cannot be dissected into individual parts and must work together as a whole, “Me”. Could it be called the “missing link”?
Professor Bouron has named this “Biological Decoding”. It’s a philosophy derived from New German Medicine and from early pioneer R.G. Hamer, MD. He was an internal medicine specialists who established a link between our physical condition and our traumas, emotional stressors and internal unresolved conflicts. This was further validated by the work of French Oncologist, Dr. Claude Sabbah.
This more inclusive understanding is not medicine wildly practiced today. There are no substances to ingest or operations to endure. Instead, it is complementary. It about the art of restoring wellness by identifying the conflict that produces the imbalance, disharmony, and dis-ease.
Truth and Wisdom
Biological Decoding is the complement of and goes hand in hand with traditional medicine. This therapy seeks to understand the underlying emotional stressors and conflicts or traumas and how we create our “personal Universes”, stories and realities within them. This process and modality is about how we transmute them into Love and release their grip on us.
In Bouron’s words, “There are millions of different experiences running all at the same time, and most of them are strange or unexplainable to us. We are often unaware that they are even running and affecting us. We cannot understand why others aren’t willing to believe what we believe. Of course, we don’t like how many things work around us, but we are pointing in the wrong direction which may mean judging ourselves harshly.
Everything teaches us. It is often said, when you are pointing at someone with one finger—there are three of your fingers pointing back at you. The questions to ask yourself is always, “What are you feeling with that?” Or “Why is that still important to you?” Or “Can I let go of this?”
I am reminded of the iconic spiritual phrase:
“The Answer lies within.”
Let the Universe Help You
Coincidences, synchronicities and serendipities are all signs from the Universe that you are on the right path.
Biological decoding empowers individuals to uncover and resolve the root causes of their physical and emotional conflicts, thereby enhancing their overall health and well-being.
But the biggest secret is that you have to be ready to ask for help. Biological Decoding seeks to discover and understand the relationship of our emotions, and beliefs stored within the psyche, the brain, the body and the spirit, hidden away from the one participating—you!
The Secret
Dr. Max Gerson, MD notes, “A successful therapy requires harmony of the physical and psychological functions in order to achieve a restoration of the body in its entirety.”
For over 4000 years, traditional Chinese medicine has been a system based on the notion of harmony and balance. The Ancient doctors of India were great sages and their fundamental belief was that the body was created out of consciousness. Theirs was a medicine of consciousness and their ways of treating disease pierced the body’s matter and went deeper into the core of the mind.
In regard to illness, health and medicine, the Zulu culture holds the concept of “balance” in a place of significant importance. Balance between individuals and their community, family or clan. Their philosophy of medicine concerns itself with physical conditions, dealing with physiological puzzles or dilemmas or conundrums.
Fifty years ago, Dr. R. G. Hamer, MD shocked the world when he stated unequivocally stated that, “All disease is provoked by unexpected trauma caused by a shock event.”
Steve Jobs had nothing to do with medicine. He was a brilliant mind who saw the world through a different lens and noted: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”
Albert Einstein put it this way, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Towards a Better Life
Has the time come to bring modern and ancient holistic philosophies together and ask, “What if all dis-ease and illness is an invitation for us to know ourselves in a different way?” I invite you to open the doorway to well-being.
As Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, MD eloquently states, “Getting to the root of ancestral and personal conflicts and clearing them is the route to liberation."
We scratch our heads when we see road rage or the behavior of the bully at school or in our workplace. But what underlies all of these behaviors? What do we carry with us from our linage or our ancestors that affects us today? Our childhood? Our DNA? Our e-motions? Our Akash? Nobody is free of wounds. Where is the thread? The body, like everything else in life, is a mirror of our inner thoughts and beliefs. Our body is always talking to us; will we only take the time to listen—especially when it is screaming at us for help?
Quantum physicists are confirming that 'subatomic particles' are a frequency of the Universe, made up of Vibration and light. The same thing is in us.
Coincidence? You decide.
For over 4,000 years, traditional Chinese medicine has been a system based on the notion of harmony and balance. The ancient doctors of India were great sages, and their cardinal belief was that the body is created out of consciousness. Theirs was a medicine of consciousness, and their way of treating disease pierced the body’s matter and went deeper into the core of the mind.
In regard to illness, health, and medicine, Zulu culture holds the concept “balance” in a place of significant importance. Balance between individuals and their community, family or clan. Their philosophy of medicine concerns itself with physical conditions, dealing with physiological conundrums, and (2) medicine that is implemented magically and ritualistically to produce traditional Zulu medicine as a holistic entity. (Could their term of magic be tapping the quantum field?) Despite this increasing amount of global influence, the wisdom found within traditional Zulu healing remains integral. It must work!
50 years ago, Dr. R.G. Hamer, MD, the originator of German New Medicine, shocked the world when he stated unequivocally that “All disease is provoked by unexpected trauma caused by a shock event.” Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, MD, simply states it like this: “When the mind does not bend, disease can end”. And although Steve Jobs had nothing to do with medicine, he was a brilliant mind who saw the world through a different lens and noted, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. I am here to help you connect the dots, rewrite your story, and create a life of wellness. Together, we will rediscover your balance. Are you ready?
Katie says, “Cathrine, the Illumination session was amazing. I knew going into it that I needed to be in surrender. Not only did I feel comfortable, but I also felt trust in your abilities.
It was one of the most beautiful spiritual experiences. I was able to let go of so much harbored tiredness and sadness. I felt such calm and peace after. I was excited about how I felt. I feel like I'm enjoying it so much more!
I experienced a trans-state and a visualization of energies translated in colors. I began with joy within minutes of beginning the session, as if my body were happy to receive this treat!
What followed was a strong force of blue light from my feet to my head and out my face. The feeling I got was sadness and heaviness. I translate that as the flushing out of the old stagnant energy.”

Astute Advisors
A Combination of Expertise, Knowledge, Experience and Intuitive Guidance
Reconnect With Yourself
I am here to help you connect the dots and to see things in a more empowering—self-determining and authentic way. Mind, body, & Spirit, the “holistic”-body approach. I adapt every session organically to the clients wants and needs. At the end of the day—It’s all about recognizing the “magnificent you”. That’s where the magic lies.